Friday, June 12, 2009

Bienvenidos a Guatemala!

Well even through all the trail of tears that was the route provided for me by American Airlines, I arrived safely in Guatemala. I also made a few friends along the way who I commiserated with about the terrible service of American Airlines and how we would never fly it again. Our flight was delayed an hour though because somebody somehow brought on a carry on and then didn't end up being with it so the flight crew was frantically looking for this thing. Meanwhile, I only found out about this because the kid next to me spoke Spanish and translated the confusing message which was never said in English, leaving many people on the plane completely in the dark as to what the heck was going on. In American Airlines Customer Service World, this is entirely acceptable. And then they have the audacity to charge for peanuts. (Okay I'm done ranting about American Airlines).

It was so wonderful to be greeted by Tito's smiling face as he and Rolando picked me up. We went to the new office for La Mision, had some lunch, restocked some meds, and went back to Tito's house. It has been remodeled and looks awesome. Anyways I need to get to bed. Sorry this post is so short, but know that I am finally where I need to be and absolutely loving it already. PS I thought that I was going to have to sacrifice seeing Transformers 2 in English while I was down here, but luckily Rolando invited me to sneak out of some work and see it in English opening day. I screamed with delight when he told me that.

Verse of the day:

"Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me." ---John 14:1


  1. Justin,

    You really should be a comedic writer. You are another Dave Barry.

    Keep observing things, and hopefully the rest of your mission trip will be better than the voyage over there!


  2. Justin,

    I laughed my head off reading your blog. I've decided that you should write the Brandler vacation memoirs. It will pay for your medical school expenses.

    love, mom...

  3. I second moms concept of the family vac's being put to paper. People need to hear about those

  4. Justin,

    Earth to Justin, Earth to Justin, come in Justin!

    It has been over a week and we haven't heard much from you. It was a big splash in the beginning,and now an empty void. Oh yeah, mom just came in the room and saw me typing this blog post and she reminded me that you are in the jungles and they likely don't have email access as they swing from bannana tree to bannana tree. So, my apologies.

    We miss having you around, and there are still 44 more days until you come home. We will just have to pace ourselves and take it one week at a time.

    This reminds me of the many college Christmas breaks in which you had a short time with us and then your swim coach had you leave the day after Christmas and go off to Winter training. In this case, you graduated and then took off to Guatamala. However, we know you are doing the Lord's work and we are proud of you.

    Be safe and know that we are praying for you.

    Love, Dad

  5. Justin,

    We have been praying that your virus is gone, and that you feel better.

    We didn't have any fireworks this year, and to add salt to the wound, I had to drive by the many indian reservation firework stands on my way to work. It reminded me of the many Summers in which we "bargained" with them over firework deals. Anyhow, as I have told you in growing up, faith without works is dead! On second thought, as I re-read the Bible portion that pertains to this, I was wrong. The works in the Bible are NOT fireworks!

    We're glad that your Spanish has improved. Aside from some udderly ridiculous words that you have learned, you are becoming a real expert in the Spanish language. I couldn't resist the pun about udderly!

    When you said that you are going on a boat ride, all that flashed through my mind was the movie about the large Boa Constrictor snake that came out the water in the jungle river. Uh oh, I should not have said that, since you are yet to take that trip. No worries, I don't believe they have snakes in Guatemala.

    We saw Walter in California, and he is not doing very well. It appears that his disease has really impacted his liver. So keep him in your prayers.

    I have your car in the garage, cleaned and under a large plastic tarp. So it will be spotless on your return, and you can then proceed to get it dirty again---for the dad to wash!

    We very much enjoy reading all that is going on with you and the team. And Joy Parker told me that she loves to read your blog. Indeed, your commitment and your faith is impacting many, and we are always proud of you.

    Be safe,


    Mom and Dad
