Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Family Time and some Organization

I have been here for 5 days now and it already feels like I have been here for longer than that. I'm not exactly sure why. It was such an odd feeling settling back in because it didn't really feel like I had left. Since they just finished a pretty intense clinic by the time I got there, we have been spending a lot of time relaxing with the family.

Also, the kids have been home from school on a vacation so we have been spending some quality time playing and stuff. I definitely have missed the tasty little corn tortillas they have here or "manna from the sky" as Derek referred to them before. My dad would be proud because we watched one of his favorite movies "Journey to the Center of the Earth" in Spanish which was fun. It actually was pretty good, especially as far as Brendan Fraser movies go.

Sunday we went to church and then afterwards Tito took us out to TGI Friday's. Then later we celebrated another doctor's birthday at his new house. It was absolutely insanely huge and had a view of the entire city of Guatemala. I have never been here for a birthday and it was a lot of fun because relationships are so important here and it was cool to see how many people from different places came. It seems like everyone in Guatemala knows each other or something.

I have missed Tito and the rest of the Guatemalan crew and the way we joke around. It has been kind of different without a male Gringo partner in crime like I had last time, but Brian will be coming in less than a week and I am excited.

While it's been fun to spend time with the family, I admit I've been getting a little bored because I'm ready to be put to work and do something. Luckily, I was able to help reorganize the pharmacy system again, but I have a feeling that it's not really going to last long. The Guatemalans have a certain way that they like to do things and this poor little Gringo can't stand in the way of their progress.

However, we start a clinic tomorrow and after that I'm probably going to be begging for a break, though I don't think it's going to be as physically intensive as others in the past. I will be translating for the doctors coming down from Wenatchee. I am really excited to see this team again because they were so nice and helpful.

Well Tito's yelling at me to do something so i'm gonna sign off. I'll have a verse for later. Thanks for commenting and keeping track of what's going on!


  1. Justin,

    Well, we finally heard from you. I actually thought you might have done your own journey to the center of the earth and couldn't get out!

    I hope you still remember how to speak English when you return. I mean being bilingual is great,however, outside of California, English is still the primary language. OK, that was a joke.

    Mom got your car an oil change and I will wash it and place it in the garage under a tarp. I sure hope that others don't view us as spoiling you!

    This is mom. Yes, I took your car to Bucky's and I got you an air filter as well. Your car is now likely better than 3/4ths of the cars in Guatamala. Dad thinks he can sell the Previa for $1,500 and he will point out that it's capable of hauling as well! But personally, I doubt it will pass the smog emissions test!

    I'm glad to have heard from you, and don't worry about me---aside from 10,000 ailments and diseases, I'm fine.

    We went to the graduation at SPU and we saw Michael, Kyle, and Jessica. David was there as well. It was held at Safeco Field and lasted 4 hours. Dad searched the place for a hot dog but settled for some popcorn.


    Mom and dad.....I don't need anything for Fathers Day.

  2. Mr. JTTCOTE being a decent movie? Im a bit worried that the humidity is getting to you. You are goign to have to figure out how to get over to a theatre next week and seeing the movie of the summer. We will sit next to each other in spirit. Im a bit sad that we wont be able to sit in wonder at what our eyes have just beheld.
    Im thinking the Prev should sell for at least 3k especially with the hulling power. I bet it could tow trixie if she got in a sticky situation.
    Stay safe mr and dont let the nipples scare you too much.

  3. Hi Justin,

    Just wanted to say I was following along with your blog... Interested in what's happening with you in Guatemala.. Looking for some action.. When the care of the Guatemalan people takes place be sure to write lots of details.. Like a script from Grey's Anatomy!

    Bless you always, Darlene
